HERE AND NOW. Anti-colonial Interventions
Museum Ludwig (DE)

about una güira para...
“A güira is a musical instrument that amplifies rhythms. It is a
characteristic element in folk and Indigenous dances and
musical styles in Latin American and the Caribbean. A total
of nine güiras have been distributed as anti-colonial interventions across the second and third floors of the museum
Each instrument is inscribed with the name of a person of historical importance to the Museum Ludwig. Pavel Aguilar proposes these interventions as means to remove these people from their pedestals and so disrupt the “sacred” nature of the museum space.
The güiras can be played by visitors at specific times, and by touching the instruments that bear the names of certain artists, collectors, and patrons, visitors highlight the significance of these individuals to the museum.”
Joanne Rodriguez and Victor Zaiden
Each instrument is inscribed with the name of a person of historical importance to the Museum Ludwig. Pavel Aguilar proposes these interventions as means to remove these people from their pedestals and so disrupt the “sacred” nature of the museum space.
The güiras can be played by visitors at specific times, and by touching the instruments that bear the names of certain artists, collectors, and patrons, visitors highlight the significance of these individuals to the museum.”
Joanne Rodriguez and Victor Zaiden
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