HERE AND NOW. Anti-colonial Interventions
Museum Ludwig (DE)

about the rooster
“In conjunction with the exhibition HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig: Anti-colonial Interventions, Pavel Aguilar created a video work for the foyer in which a rooster attacks his mirror image, in an unsuccessful attempt to defend his territory against a purported adversary. The process of geographically, culturally, and symbolically conquering and safeguarding territories is fundamental to colonialism and its aftermath.
Aguilar’s video shows the absurdity of territorial and patriarchal violence, emphasizing that efforts to create a fairer society should focus instead on the question of how the rules of colonial power can be unlearned. While rooster fights have a long tradition, they are highly controversial in terms of animal protection regulations.
The fights generally end with the death of one of the roosters, which is why they are forbidden in many parts of the world.”
Joanne Rodriguez and Victor Zaiden
Aguilar’s video shows the absurdity of territorial and patriarchal violence, emphasizing that efforts to create a fairer society should focus instead on the question of how the rules of colonial power can be unlearned. While rooster fights have a long tradition, they are highly controversial in terms of animal protection regulations.
The fights generally end with the death of one of the roosters, which is why they are forbidden in many parts of the world.”
Joanne Rodriguez and Victor Zaiden
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