b. 1989 in Tegucigalpa, lives and works between Honduras and Basel.  

Pavel Aguilar (Tegucigalpa, 1989) is a transdisciplinary artist living and working between Honduras and Basel. Trained as a classical violinist at the National School of Music in Honduras, BA in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana and an MFA from the Institut Kunst Gender Natur in Switzerland.

His work explores the intersection of music and visual arts, focusing on sound, nature, and cultural memory. As a classical musician and visual anthropologist, he examines ancestral traditions and their relationship with contemporary artistic practices, merging natural and technological elements to create immersive sonic experiences. For Aguilar, sound is both material and narrative —a bridge between histories, times, and geographies— where the organic and the digital converge into new forms of expression.

His work is part of public collections such as Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Kunst(Zeug)Haus in Switzerland, the Museum of Modern Art of Medellín (MAMM), MAMBO in Bogotá, and MADC in Costa Rica. He received the Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt werkbeiträge (2020), was a finalist for the Swiss Performance Art Award (2021) and Contemporary Talents at the François Schneider Foundation (2022), and was nominated for the Swiss Art Award in 2023.

©2025 pavelaguilar.com